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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Simplest vegetable salad

For a long time, this was (nearly) the only salad that I made for dinner. I have repeated making it so my son will get familiar with it, and hopefully, give it a try some day. For a while he only ate the tomatoes. Later on he gave other ingredients a try, and finally we got to the point when he ate the whole thing. Of course, there are those nights when he will refuse to eat it and that’s OK. In that case I might put 1-2 tablespoons on his plate if he doesn’t (maybe I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it). We will encourage him to eat it, but don’t force him to.

One evening we had Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce (more about it in another post. Stay tuned), and this salad for dinner. That night, my son decided that he doesn’t like neither one. Well, I advised him that he should eat something if he doesn’t want to be hungry. Maybe he should eat at least a little bit from each dish, or choose one of the two. He chose to eat just one of them. Which one do you think he chose?
The salad. And I got the thumbs up. What do you know… That was a total surprise.
This salad takes 5 minutes to assemble.

For 4 servings

½ cucumber, diced medium
1 red bell pepper, diced medium
1 cup cherry tomatoes, whole
1 small lemon, juiced
SPOO (Salt, Black pepper - finely ground, extra virgin Olive Oil)

Put all vegetables in a bowl. Make vinaigrette out of lemon juice and SPOO. Mix it all up.

This is also an easy project to give to kids becuase it is so easy to make.

Good luck!

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